PRP Hair Loss Treatment in Toronto: What You Need to Know

PRP Hair Loss Treatment in Toronto

Did you know that the average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs every day? However, some people lose their hair at a much faster rate, which can lead to bald spots and thinning hair. Many people think that once you start to lose your hair, there's no way of getting it back, but this is no longer the case. 

Hair treatments in the past may have been limited and even nonexistent, but we now have PRP hair treatment. What is PRP hair loss treatment, you might ask? It has everything to do with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and injecting this unique substance into your scalp. 

But does this treatment really work? Keep reading and learn more about the best PRP hair treatment Toronto has to offer and whether it will really give you back your full head of hair. 


What Is PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

PRP hair loss treatment is a multi-step process and it will take time before you begin to see any improvements in your hair growth. You will need to receive at least three treatment sessions before you start to see results. You will need to wait a month or so between each treatment session. After all three sessions are finished, you may require maintenance sessions every few months.

When it comes to PRP hair loss restoration, the first thing you should know is that this treatment takes place in three steps.

The first step of the treatment process is to draw blood out of a blood vessel in your arm. The blood is usually taken from your arm because the area is easy to access, although blood may be taken from other parts of your body in some circumstances. Once your blood is taken, goes into a centrifuge. This is a special machine that spins a vial of blood around until the different components of the blood start to separate. 

This is the second step of the PRP hair treatment process.


What You Need to Know

As the blood goes through the centrifuge, it will separate into three distinct components: red blood cells, platelet-poor plasma, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

PRP, of course, is what you'll need for the procedure. 

But what makes PRP so special in the first place, you might ask? PRP is full of collagen and other important nutrients that are essential to the growth of certain cells in the body. The theory of using PRP for hair loss treatment is that the nutrients in this substance stimulate the scalp and allow the hair follicles in the area to grow at a faster rate.

The third step of the process is to inject the PRP into the scalp. Your treatment provider will only inject the areas of your scalp that have become thin as a result of hair loss.

Many people who get this treatment find that it tends to work and provides noticeable differences in terms of hair thickness. 

If you like the sound of this treatment option, what should you expect when you actually go in for a treatment session?


What to Expect From the PRP Hair Treatment Procedure

In particular, your provider will aim to inject the PRP at the same level as your hair follicles. This will ensure that the PRP is as close to the hair follicles as possible. This is helpful because the nutrients of the PRP won't have any trouble supplying the hair follicles in the area. 

The length of the procedure will depend on the size of the treatment area. Your treatment provider will inject PRP into your scalp every half inch. This ensures that all the hair follicles in the balding area will get the nutrients from the PRP

In general, the procedure should not take about 60 minutes. You might think that this would be a very uncomfortable procedure because of all the injections you would have to endure. However, most people find that this procedure is not very uncomfortable. 

Even though treatment providers don't typically use numbing cream for your scalp, your scalp is not as sensitive as you would expect. As a result, the act of the needle puncturing your scalp should only feel like a small pinch.

If you do find that the process is starting to become uncomfortable, your treatment provider may provide you with an ice pack to help numb the treatment area. 


The Details

If you don't tolerate pain very well, it may be a good idea to take some OTC pain medication before the procedure. This will help minimize any discomfort you may feel. After the procedure, your scalp may feel warm but it should not be painful. 

As you heal from the procedure, your scalp may have some bruising and slight swelling. These side effects should not be severe. Bruising may last a week or two but it will eventually go away on its own. It is important to consult with your doctor if you experience unusual swelling or pain in your scalp as you may have an infection. This is a rare side-effect of PRP hair treatments.

The great thing about this procedure is that there is no downtime. This means that you won't have to wait around for your scalp to heal and you should be able to go about your daily schedule without any problems. 

To get the most out of the treatment, you should take a warm shower afterward. The heat of the water will continue to stimulate the PRP and your scalp itself. Massaging your scalp can also improve the benefits of the procedure by increasing blood flow. 

The more nutrients your scalp has, the better the results will be.


Does PRP Hair Loss Treatment Work for Everyone?

Most people who are experiencing mild-to-moderate hair loss are good candidates for PRP hair treatments. However, keep in mind that the results of the treatment may vary according to how severe your hair loss or thinning is. For example, if you catch your hair loss very early, you will have a good chance of preventing it from getting worse. 

Those with androgenic alopecia tend to see very good results from this treatment. Androgenic alopecia involves baldness on the very top of the head.

PRP hair loss treatments tend to work very well in this area. Keep in mind that androgenic alopecia occurs in both men and women. In the same vein, both men and women can benefit from PRP hair loss treatment. 

On the other hand, if you are already completely bald, this sort of hair loss treatment will not be effective.


All About PRP Treatment

After your first treatment session, you might not notice any visual differences in the thickness of your hair at first, but you may notice that you are not shedding as much hair as usual. This is because the growth factors and other nutrients in the PRP injections work to keep your hair follicles as healthy as possible. As a result, these healthy follicles do not receive the signal to shed.

Keep in mind that you will need to go in for treatment sessions every few months to maintain the results. After your initial set of treatments it is recommended that you receive follow-up treatments every 3 to 6 months. 

If you avoid these maintenance treatments you will find that your hair will begin to thin again. The results of this treatment aren't permanent because your hair follicles won't be able to hold onto the PRP's nutrients forever. At a certain point, your hair follicles will be devoid of nutrients again and you will need to supply them with more PRP to keep them healthy. 


PRP Hair Loss Treatment

If you're looking for the best PRP hair treatment Toronto has to offer, look no further than Pearl on King. We provide PRP hair loss treatment in a professional manner. After a few treatment sessions, you will start to notice that you won't be shedding as much hair and that your hair will look and feel thicker. 

Click here to book a consultation for PRP hair loss treatment and to learn about the other services we have to offer. 

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